Saturday, February 20, 2010

How To Meet Women On Craigslist - Organizing the Meet Up

At this point, you've written your Craigslist ad, received a couple replies, emailed the women back, and by miracle of God, she replied to you, again! If you have gotten this far with a woman from Craigslist, you're already ahead of 90% of the pack - The pack being the pack of rabid guys posting Craigslist ads that get them nothing more than laughs and disgust from readers.

You've gone and forth a couple times on email and now you're trying to figure out when is the right time to ask her to meet up. Because, eventually, that is your goal. To meet a woman on Craigslist and meet her offline - in the real world. If this isn't your objective, then you shouldn't be reading this blog. What we're trying to accomplish here is turn a woman online into a real woman.

What you have to do is judge the moment you have with the email conversation - if she's replying quickly to you and is responsive to your emails, start dropping hints that you want to see her. Mention that you're nearby, ask where she is at the moment and try to find out what her plans her in the timeframe you want to see her. Some women will meet you immediately - within hours after first emailing you. Others will wait weeks before they muster up the courage to even send you a photo, let alone meet you in person.

When deciding whether or not to ask someone to meet up, you first have to make sure that you've verified that this person is a real female. Unfortunately, Craigslist is polluted with the gutterminds of men looking to collect photos of men after they pretend to be the hot horny girl around the corner. Get photo verification, get facebook verification, and get some form of verification that she is a real girl before initiating any sort of meetup.

Once you've received that confirmation, then you're ready to ask. Rather than ask in your email, "When do you want to meet up," name a date, time and place where you want to see her. Women want to be directed; if you leave them to decide where to meet you up, you're asking for failure. Tell the woman on Craigslist where you want to meet, what time you want to meet, and why you want to meet. Of course, to see her beauty in person and continue the conversation offline. More on how to meet women on Craigslist on the next post.

1 comment:

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