If you've been following the How to Meet Women on Craigslist series, then you've been able to post an ad, get a reply, and properly replied to her initial email replying to your Craigslist ad. Now you sit back and wait for her reply - you can't do anything about it now. Don't email her again until she's emailed you back - if she doesn't reply, she doesn't reply. You move on. If she does reply, then your chances of this turning into something real have now exponentially increased.
But, while you're waiting for those replies to your Craigslist ad emails to come in, you can also be on the hunt. While there aren't as many guys, there are more than enough women on Craigslist also being proactive and posting an ad. However, unlike you, the guy with the dick, she's getting bombarded with hundreds of emails, sometimes in 1 day. The ratio is that skewed. It is The Fucked Up Ratio.
For every 100 guys that post an ad on Craigslist, maybe 10 will get replies. For every 100 women, that post on Craigslist, every single one of them will get a reply. Guaranteed. That is a fucked up ratio.
So, why wade into emailing women who have posted when there are 100 other guys like her replying to her ad too?
Because you know the secrets of How to Meet Women on Craigslist - good titles and a direct, witty, but mysterious ad that keeps her wanting more. If you adapt and employ these same tactics to the women posting on Craigslist, you'll instantly double your Craigslist dating. And it doesn't hurt to practice your replies - you'll be able to quickly learn which replies work and which ones don't and you can apply these learnings to the replies to the women replying to your ad.
If you want to meet more women on Craigslist, seek them out in their personals section. But remember, be prepared by reading my Craigslist dating tips from the beginning.
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