From all my years of meeting women on Craigslist, I've been able to deduce from what and how much someone has written, the general attractiveness of that individual. Simply, the longer your ad, the less attractive you are. That goes for men and women. The longer your Craigslist ad, the more you are trying to compensate for something, and that something is generally unattractiveness which is why you're on Craigslist in the first place.
Now, this isn't by any means a hard and fast rule - there are attractive women that love to write flowing pieces of prose, but those women are rare. Most attractive women, if they have the courage to post on Craigslist, will seem confused and embarassed, leaving them little to say in their post. They feel they are above posting on Craigslist, but are doing it anyway because of the hope and feeling of "you never know" that it provides. These women's post are then short, a few sentences at most, and will talk directly about what they are looking for without overcompensating for it unneeded words.
The only reason I'm able to make this statement is because I've simply read and replied to many ads over a long period of time to draw a basic correlation to Craigslist ad length (and email reply) and general attractiveness. Now, many of you really aren't to care if they are that attractive as long as she's down, but some of us do have minimal standards that must be met. So follow this rule and focus your time and energy writing Craigslist ads on the best prospects.
Wednesday, February 17, 2010
How to Spot Attractive Women on Craigslist By Reading Their Ads
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